What Christmas Light is Right For you?
When we talk about Christmas lights, we invariably imply LED lights. No one considers incandescent bulbs anymore. We are not even considering carbon fluorescent lamps. LED lights are the most energy efficient. They are more stylish and certainly more reliable. LED lights come in a plethora of colors and there are obviously many types. It is no secret that LED lights are durable and they would last several Christmases if you are not using them for any other occasion or regularly. Finally, you would have an eco friendly décor in your home, office or neighborhood.
Here is a glimpse of the plethora of Christmas lights.
You can go for LED string light bulbs. There are wide angle mini lights. These are tiny 5mm bulbs with LED inside. They would be substantially smaller than the conventional mini lights. These lights have a concave lens so the light appears with a halo but disperses enough light in every way. These are apt indoor and outdoor lights. You can use them to wrap Christmas trees, garlands and wreaths. You can use them inside and outside without being wary of any hazard, either to the fixtures or to the lights.

M5 Mini Lights
Then there are M5 mini lights. These LED lights have the traditional shape of Christmas lights but they don’t heat up as incandescent mini lights. The M5 lights are ideal for indoor installations. You can deck up the columns in your porch or patios but don’t use them out in the open yards or lawns.
C6 LED Mini Lights
C6 LED mini lights are very popular right now. Often called strawberry lights because of the shape, these LED lights come in strings and can be easily installed on bushes, around trees and you can even accentuate the walls or any other permanent fixture you want.

G12 Raspberry Lights
G12 raspberry lights are named so for the same reason as the C6 strawberry lights. The G12 LED lights look like raspberries. You may even find them resembling gum drops. These strings can be worked on effortlessly. They are simple but the unique designs add a tinge of grandeur. They are very colorful. You can opt for small strings of these G12 LED lights where you wouldn’t have a color repeated. This will not be possible for longer strings though as you cannot have so many variations of standard colors. While these LED lights are bestsellers during Christmas, they are also sold all year for parties and get-togethers. You too can have these lights on throughout the year if you are in a festive mood.
C7 and C9
The duo of C7 and C9 LED lights is particularly interesting. They replicate the design of incandescent bulbs and they get close to the level of illumination but they offer the benefits of LED. C7 and C9 lights are ideal for rooftops. You can wrap large trees around your property. You can deck up the whole house, the entire exterior and all the highlights of your home with C7 and C9 LED lights. These lights can be used indoors and outdoors. Owing to the illumination they offer and their size, it is better to use them outdoors. You don’t want the indoors to be very well lit unnecessarily.
These were the types of LED lights. In addition to these types, there are different styles of LED lights. The styles pertain to how they are used and what kind of decorating ideas you can work on with them.
You can have C7 or C9 lights as replacement bulbs. You can have pre-packaged light sets of C7 and C9 or you can have replaceable sets. Not all C7 and C9 LED lights are equal or identical. There are some that cost much less than the branded ones. There is older generation LEDs. Remember, light emitting diodes have evolved too. The oldest LEDs were not even remotely as bright as the state of the art ones.
LED lights are available as net lights and trunk wraps. These are usually four feet by six feet. You don’t need to do anything as the style naturally suits a trunk or as a wrap for shrubs and bushes.
You can consider icicle lights. This LED style is ideal for rooftops, especially the lining. People like to use this style in bedrooms and any kind of cozy setting. The icicle lights have been widely used at weddings and by commercial properties to highlight specific occasions. You can use them during Christmas for a multitude of installations.
You may also consider grand cascades and falling icicles, rope lights, battery operated mini LED lights and fairly lights.
Your eventual choice of LED lights, the style and decoration will depend on what you are trying to deck up, how many lights you need, the level of brightness desired and the money you can spare.